A method and apparatus for generating new web pages using pre-existing web
pages as a template, and a method and apparatus for selection of
information from a database or index based on user-allocated ratings,
where the selected information may be used to provide content for a web
site or for broadcast on TV, radio or other media. For the web page
creation, preferably each web page is provided with a "remix" button,
which a user can click on to create an editable copy of the web page. The
user may subsequently edit individual components of the web page to
customise it. A ranking system for web pages, modules, content and users
may be implemented, and may be used to automatically select highly rated
content. The automatic selection may also use meta data such as "tags"
specifying the subject matter of the web site, and meta data relating to
the particular user who is viewing the web site. The automatic selection
process may use "tag clouds" comprising groups of related tags, in order
to improve the search and matching process. The selected content may
include advertising material or any other web site content, such as news
feeds, blogs, pictures, etc. Where advertising material is selected for
display, the selection criteria may take into account the user allocated
ratings of each advert, as well as the price that advertisers are willing
to pay in order to have the advert displayed.