The invention relates to an apparatus for the transfer of organic
compounds from a first liquid phase to a gaseous phase and from said
gaseous phase to a second liquid phase, comprising a packed stripping
column (2), a housing (5), a shell (1), a means for introducing the
gaseous phase at the bottom end of said packed stripping column (2), a
distributor (4) for distributing said first liquid phase onto said packed
stripping column (2), causing said first liquid phase to trickle down
said packed stripping column (2) counter-currently to the flow of the gas
phase and causing the gas stream leaving said packed stripping column (2)
at its top end to have a higher content of organic compounds than the
gaseous phase introduced at the bottom end of said packed stripping
column (2), one or more ducts (9/26) allowing the gaseous phase leaving
said packed stripping column (2) to flow downwards to the bottom end of a
packed scrubber (3) enclosed in a housing (25), a distributor (12) on top
of said packed scrubber (3) causing the second liquid phase to trickle
down said packed scrubber (3) counter-currently to the flow of the
gaseous phase and causing the gas stream leaving said packed scrubber
from its top end to have a lower content of organic compounds than the
gaseous phase entering the bottom end of said packed scrubber (3).