Fluidic nanotube devices are described in which a hydrophilic, non-carbon
nanotube, has its ends fluidly coupled to reservoirs. Source and drain
contacts are connected to opposing ends of the nanotube, or within each
reservoir near the opening of the nanotube. The passage of molecular
species can be sensed by measuring current flow (source-drain, ionic, or
combination). The tube interior can be functionalized by joining binding
molecules so that different molecular species can be sensed by detecting
current changes. The nanotube may be a semiconductor, wherein a tubular
transistor is formed. A gate electrode can be attached between source and
drain to control current flow and ionic flow. By way of example an
electrophoretic array embodiment is described, integrating MEMs switches.
A variety of applications are described, such as: nanopores,
nanocapillary devices, nanoelectrophoretic, DNA sequence detectors,
immunosensors, thermoelectric devices, photonic devices, nanoscale
fluidic bioseparators, imaging devices, and so forth.