Systems and methods for secure, remote printing includes a mobile device
(e.g., cell phone or PDA) establishing a secure communication connection
with a mobile printer and a server, such a connection using one or more
encryption protocols (e.g., SSL, TLS, etc.). The server encrypts the
requested data and transmits it to the printer via the secure connection,
whereon the printer decrypts and prints the data. The mobile device can,
according to other aspects of the invention, logs operational performance
characteristic of the printer, the server, and/or the communication
connections therebetween. A media cartridge can be provided includes an
enclosure having a substantially planar shape, wherein each of its length
and width dimensions are greater than its height. An opening is disposed
along a width-wise edge (e.g., a "front" of the enclosure), and one or
more regions are also disposed on opposing length-wise edges (e.g., a
"left side" and a "right side" of the enclosure). The regions permit a
user to see and/or exert a force on sheet media (e.g., paper) contained
within the enclosure.