Size-selective hemocompatible porous polymeric adsorbents are provided
with a pore structure capable of excluding molecules larger than 50,000
Daltons, but with a pore system that allows good ingress and egress of
molecules smaller than 35,000 Daltons. The pore system in these porous
polymeric adsorbents is controlled by the method of synthesis so that 98%
of the total pore volume is located in pores smaller than 300 Angstroms
(.ANG.) in diameter with a working pore size range within 100 to 300
.ANG. in diameter. The porous polymeric adsorbents of this invention are
very selective for extracting midsize proteins, such as cytokines and
.beta..sub.2-microglobulin, from blood and other physiologic fluids while
keeping the components required for good health such as cells, platelets,
albumin, hemoglobin, fibrinogen, and other serum proteins intact.