The invention provides a lightweight cement panel which achieves light
weight, high strength, and durability, is free of degraded strength or
deformation due to water absorption or fluctuation of ambient
temperature, etc., provides satisfactory processing capabilities
including nailing, etc. and can be used as a concrete formwork panel,
floor material, wall material, ceiling material, and others of
architectural structures.
A panel proper 2 is formed by a porous compact 8 produced by filling,
curing, and solidifying a mixture prepared by kneading cement, water,
reinforcing fibers, and foam obtained by prefoaming a foaming agent in a
hermetically sealed cement form block block, contains the reinforcing
fibers 7 and foam in a dispersion state in the compact 8, and provides
the specific gravity within the range between 0.5 and 1.0. The surface of
this panel proper 2 is integrally covered with a surface reinforcing
sheet 4 comprising woven cloth or unwoven cloth, and the surface is
further integrally covered by a surface protection layer 5.