The invention relates to: a method of treating liquid waste (liquid
agricultural or industrial effluents or aquatic sites) which is loaded or
polluted with tributyl phosphate (TBP), modified bacterial strains which
can be used in the aforementioned treatment method, a method for
monitoring changes in TBP pollution, and the device which is used to
perform said treatment method. According to the invention, the liquid
waste-treatment or -purification method essentially comprises: steps (1)
consisting in bringing said liquid waste into contact with at least one
non-sulphur purple photosynthetic bacterial strain which is resistant to
TBP and which is selected from the group containing Rhodopseudomonas
palustris (Rp. palustris), Rhodospirillum rubrum (Rs. rubrum),
Rhodobacter capsulatus (Rb. capsulatus) or Rhodobacter sphaeroides (Rb.
Sphaeroides) as well as the aforementioned modified bacterial strains in
order to overexpress cytochrome P450 in conditions that enable the
degradation of the TBP present in said waste, regardless of the initial
TBP concentration; and (2) the recovery of the purified liquid effluents.