Disclosed is a method of constructing and executing a process. A
conventional process is minutely divided into minimum unit subprocesses,
and the minutely divided subprocesses are classified into a decision
subprocesses and a routine subprocess by whether they require
decision-making. Any subprocess which is executable using the setup
condition in a specific decision subprocess is classified into the
routine subprocess in such a manner that the classified routine
subprocess follows on the specific decision subprocess. One or a series
of decision subprocesses are combined with one or a series of routine
subprocesses which are executable on the condition of the completion of
the decision subprocesses to form one unit process, and a job-support
computer program is created to allow the plurality of subprocesses
included in the one unit process to be successively executed. A plurality
of subprocesses which are executable in accordance with common input data
are detected from the minutely divided minimum unit subprocesses, and a
job flow is constructed to allow the respective jobs in the plurality of
subprocesses to be simultaneously initiated and executed in parallel. The
present invention can drastically reduce the lead-time of a process while
facilitating execution of the entire process with high efficiency.