A system for integrating broadcast and communication technologies includes
an optical-line terminal (OLT), a optical-network unit (ONU) and a user
gateway, wherein a broadcast signal is processed on the basis of time
division multiplexing (TDM) such that the quality of a broadcast service
can be ensured. The ONU separates the optical signal transmitted from the
OLT into the broadcast signal and the communication signal, processes
upstream information transmitted from a user, and optically transmits the
broadcast signal and the communication signal selected on a user-by-user
basis, on the basis of a time slot. The user gateway opto-electrically
converts a time slot-based optical signal transmitted from the ONU,
separates the time slot-based optical signal into individual signals,
distributes the individual signals on a service-by-service basis, and
optically transmits the upstream information from the user to the ONU.