A gesture recognition interface for use in controlling self-service
machines and other devices is disclosed. A gesture is defined as motions
and kinematic poses generated by humans, animals, or machines. Specific
body features are tracked, and static and motion gestures are
interpreted. Motion gestures are defined as a family of parametrically
delimited oscillatory motions, modeled as a linear-in-parameters dynamic
system with added geometric constraints to allow for real-time
recognition using a small amount of memory and processing time. A linear
least squares method is preferably used to determine the parameters which
represent each gesture. Feature position measure is used in conjunction
with a bank of predictor bins seeded with the gesture parameters, and the
system determines which bin best fits the observed motion. Recognizing
static pose gestures is preferably performed by localizing the
body/object from the rest of the image, describing that object, and
identifying that description. The disclosure details methods for gesture
recognition, as well as the overall architecture for using gesture
recognition to control of devices, including self-service machines.