Electrobiological stimulation is carried out transcranially by applying
high frequency squarewave bursts exhibiting no d.c. term across the
cranial region. Such stimulation is commenced employing ramp generators
and positive and negative voltage converters which evolve the requisite
baseform and burst frequencies having a voltage waveform which is square
in nature. Both voltage and current are sensed and subjected to
comparator logic in conjunction with predetermined thresholds and
windows. Overcurrent detection and overvoltage detection is provided in
hard wired fashion to assure rapid shutdown response. D.C offset
detection is provided along with waveform balance tests to further assure
the safety of the system. Diagnostic procedures as well as therapeutic
procedures may be carried out with a system version which provides for
the application of a stimulus in conjunction with safety monitoring and
controller based development of stimulating waveforms, all of which
exhibits no d.c. term. Feed point voltage waveforms and current waveforms
are mathematically processed and compared for diagnostic analysis.