A method and apparatus for division of revenue of communication among
different proprietors is provided in this invention, where the division
of revenue among the different proprietors is performed by a gateway
office, wherein the gateway office will set a source parameter and a
destination parameter respectively from the source and the destination
when a call goes through the gateway office; Judge the two parameters to
get a revenue zone index; Judge the value of the revenue zone index, and
modulate the revenue zone index to get a revenue class index; The gateway
office generates contents related to the revenue class index; A central
memory receives all these contents, adds an increment of each counter of
the revenue class memory related to the revenue class index to a
corresponding counter and carries out multiple safety mechanisms; Output
the information in the revenue class memory to a storage medium for
storing, then output it to a billing center for revenue sorting. The
billing mode present in this invention is based on group pairs, so it is
more adaptive for the gateway office to divide revenue.