This invention relates to a forest, terrain and urban fire fighting device and method, and more particularly, to a fire extinguishing system and method offering reduced risk of fire spread and safety of firemen. This extinguishing device consists of an encapsulated cryogenic projectile with a payload of solidified and frozen mixture of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, combination of gases and compacted solid extinguishing agents. These strategically located and cryogenically stored devices are launched at the outbreak of fire, aerially or terrestrially over a blaze. An embedded explosive charge is detonated at a predetermined and optimum height causing the solidified gases/compacted solid extinguishing agents to be dispersed instantaneously and forcefully over targeted and specified areas. The release of high pressure, low temperature oxygen exclusion gases penetrate the fire from above, chills the substrate and extinguishes the fire. As carbon dioxide is heavier than air it hangs as a cloud over the extinguished substratum effectively preventing reignition. Fly ash, fine quarry dust or any solid or semisolid extinguishing agent can also be made to disperse under force over the fires in the same mode which cuts off the oxygen supply to the burning substrates. By effectively checking and cooling the fuel complex substrate by successive pulverizations as needed this invention enables a low cost, scalable, and effective urban, terrain and forest fire intervention/extinguishing process.


< Water gun amusement devices and methods of using the same

> Lift cart

~ 00492