The invention provides a polishing pad by which optical materials such as
lenses, reflecting mirrors etc., or materials requiring a high degree of
surface planarity, as in the polishing of silicone wafers, glass
substrates or aluminum substrates for hard disks, or general metal
polishing, can be flattened with stability and high polishing efficiency.
The invention also provides a polishing pad for semiconductor wafers,
which is superior in planarizing characteristic, is free from scratches
and can be produced at low cost. There is provided a polishing pad which
is free from dechucking error so that neither damage to wafers nor
decrease in operating efficiency occurs. There is provided a polishing
pad which is satisfactory in planarity, within wafer uniformity, and
polishing rate and produces less change in polishing rate. There is
provided a polishing pad which can make planarity improvement and scratch
decrease compatible.