A system and method for preparing and searching a user-personalized library of content includes preparing a general library comprised of images of pages of content and electronically-searchable text corresponding to the text in the page images, which is then personalized by receiving from the user a selection of the content to include in the user's personalized library. User selection of content for a personalized library may be accomplished manually or automatically as a result of user actions, such as user review or purchase of content. Preferably, full text searching of the content in the user's personalized library is enabled. Page images in the personalized library containing text that match the user's search terms are provided to the user for display. Highlighting of search terms in page images by a user device and access rules that act to limit the viewing of content are further provided.

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< Method for improving local descriptors in peer-to-peer file sharing

> Message distribution system and method for providing notification(s)

> Method for document-searching

~ 00501