This invention is an integrated alphabetic language teaching system that
facilitates teaching multiple levels of the arts of writing and reading
to individuals aged one year and older.
This invention reverses traditional methods of written language
development by enabling writing prior and preliminary to reading.
This invention initially teaches a set of orthographic graphemic segmental
strokes by drawing geometric constructs called instructional entities
composed entirely of the same orthographic graphemic segmental strokes
that will subsequently be individually taught and practiced, thereby
providing a student with a fundamental enabling skill with which the
entire sets of 26 majuscule, 26 miniscule, 10 numerals, 14 punctuation
marks and the entire lexicon of the English and other alphabetic
languages may be constructed.
This invention uses printed grids of elicitation frames into which,
initially, elicited graphemic segmental strokes are drawn, then
progresses to the elicitation of complete graphemes, then progresses to
the elicitation of complete words, and subsequently progresses through
the elicitation of complete phrases and sentences.