A horn device has a trumpet fixture with one or more internal lights. In
one embodiment, the trumpet removably attaches to the valve portion of a
canister containing a charge of pressurized gas or air. An actuator
button on the top of the trumpet fixture is operable to open the valve
assembly of the canister and release the pressurized gas or air through
an interior passage of the trumpet fixture, causing a transparent or
translucent diaphragm to vibrate, thereby producing a loud horn noise
that is directed out of the open bell end of the trumpet. One or more
light producing elements, such as electric lamps or LED's, a battery
power source and an actuator switch device are housed within a rear
chamber of the trumpet fixture. A button on the rear of the trumpet is
pushed to control actuation of the light producing elements according to
several modes of operation, including flash sequence and steady
illumination. The produced light is directed forwardly, out of the open
end of the trumpet. In an alternative embodiment, a battery powered
electronic horn device is placed in the rear chamber to produce the horn
noise. In a further embodiment, the trumpet fixture is transparent or
translucent and light is transmitted omnidirectionally.