The invention concerns a cell support comprising an RGD-enriched gelatine
that has a more even distribution of RGD sequences than occurring in a
natural gelatine and with a minimum level of RGD sequences. More precise
the percentage of RGD sequences related to the total number of amino
acids is at least 0.4 and if the RGD-enriched gelatine comprises 350
amino acids or more, each stretch of 350 amino acids contains at least
one RGD motif. Preferably the RGD-enriched gelatines are prepared by
recombinant technology, and have a sequence that is derived from a human
gelatine or collagen amino acid sequence. The invention also relates to
RGD-enriched gelatines that are used for attachment to integrins. In
particular The RGD-enriched gelatines of the invention are suitable for
coating a cell culture support for growing anchor dependant cell types.
Further, the RGD-enriched gelatines of the invention may find use in
medical applications, in particular as a coating on implant or transplant
material or as a component of drug delivery systems.