A software mechanism for enabling a programmer to embed selected machine
instructions into program source code in a convenient fashion, and
optionally restricting the re-ordering of such instructions by the
compiler without making any significant modifications to the compiler
processing. Using a table-driven approach, the mechanism parses the
embedded machine instruction constructs and verifies syntax and semantic
correctness. The mechanism then translates the constructs into low-level
compiler internal representations that may be integrated into other
compiler code with minimal compiler changes. When also supported by a
robust underlying inter-module optimization framework, library routines
containing embedded machine instructions according to the present
invention can be inlined into applications. When those applications
invoke such library routines, the present invention enables the routines
to be optimized more effectively, thereby improving run-time application
performance. A mechanism is also disclosed using a "_fpreg" data type to
enable floating-point arithmetic to be programmed from a source level
where the programmer gains access to the full width of the floating-point
register representation of the underlying processor.