Portable and/or mobile IP hosts desiring to connect to the Internet can
dynamically acquire a home address and other configuration information
through DHCP when powering up in a foreign network. A two-stage
configuration procedure is used. First, the mobile host uses the M-IP
protocol to establish contact with an addressing element, referred to as
a bootstrapping agent, that is usually co-located with a M-IP Home Agent,
and that allocates a temporary home address for the mobile host. The
temporary address is used to create a temporary tunnel. Second, this
temporary tunnel is used as the communication vehicle over which standard
DHCP transactions take place. The present invention is thus arranged to
use a) M-IP as the signaling mechanism for reaching the home network and
dynamically allocating a temporary home address for the mobile host; and
b) DHCP to allocate a permanent home address and any other configuration
state for the mobile host.