A system is provided for recording, storing and reproducing sound for
playing back in an environment requiring simulated sounds, voices, and/or
sound effects. Sounds are recorded on a chip and played back in an
asynchronous manner from the chip as a result of activation of a switch
or inertial movement within the system. A Hall-effect sensor, reed switch
or momentary switch or the like may be implemented for enabling
activation of the recorded sound from the chip for broadcasting. A
compander compresses the sound on the chip and expands the compressed
sound for playback. Employing the above system for audio storage, a
sound, motor and special effects controller may be created for model
train applications as well. The different functions of the sound unit are
controlled through a discrete bi-polar digital command control signal
using a unique address for each unit. A synchronous means of play back
may also be employed when the system is used with the bi-polar signal
using a sensor. In addition to the analog sound storage, the same
concepts and ideas may be applied to a digital sound recording and play
back device as well.