A sign language recognition apparatus and method is provided for
translating hand gestures into speech or written text. The apparatus
includes a number of sensors on the hand, arm and shoulder to measure
dynamic and static gestures. The sensors are connected to a
microprocessor to search a library of gestures and generate output
signals that can then be used to produce a synthesized voice or written
text. The apparatus includes sensors such as accelerometers on the
fingers and thumb and two accelerometers on the back of the hand to
detect motion and orientation of the hand. Sensors are also provided on
the back of the hand or wrist to detect forearm rotation, an angle sensor
to detect flexing of the elbow, two sensors on the upper arm to detect
arm elevation and rotation, and a sensor on the upper arm to detect arm
twist. The sensors transmit the data to the microprocessor to determine
the shape, position and orientation of the hand relative to the body of
the user.