Plasterboard is surfaced with a lining paper which is printed over the
whole of one face of the board using an ink containing binder and
particulate solid material, applied with a density of print such that
under optically examination at least 80% of the surface of the lining
paper is covered by the applied print. The particulate material has a d50
denotes a number length mean particle size such that 50% of particles
have volume smaller than a sphere of diameter d50. The colour of the
printed lining paper can be matched to the colour of a jointing compound
used as a filler between the edges of adjacent boards. The material of
d50 mean particle size in the range from 1 to 10 micrometers gives the
lining paper a surface texture resembling that of jointing compounds and
so reduces or removes contrasts, notably in absorbency, reflectance and
gloss, between the surface of the boards and the surface of the jointing
compound between boards.