An optical pulse-width modifier structure includes a first diffraction
grating and an optically unpowered reversing mirror. An optical path
extends between the first diffraction grating and the optically unpowered
reversing mirror. A second diffraction grating lies on the optical path
between the first diffraction grating and the optically unpowered mirror.
A set of optically powered mirrors lies on the optical path between the
first diffraction grating and the second diffraction grating. The
diffraction gratings and mirrors are positioned such that an input light
beam is diffracted from the first diffraction grating, reflected from
each of the set of optically powered mirrors, diffracted from the second
diffraction grating, reflected from the optically unpowered reversing
mirror back to the second diffraction grating, diffracted from the second
diffraction grating, reflected from each of the set of optically powered
mirrors, and diffracted from the first diffraction grating as an output
light beam. The present approach produces a differential path length as a
function of wavelength.