Two embodiments of a heat exchanger assembly for cooling an electronic
device are shown respectively in FIGS. 1 and 3 and each comprises a
housing, a plurality of high fins, a plurality of low fins, a nozzle
plate, an inlet, at least one outlet, a primary nozzle, and a plurality
of secondary nozzles. In the first embodiment shown in FIG. 1, the
housing and the nozzle plate are circular in shape. In the second
embodiment shown in FIG. 3, the housing and the nozzle plate are
rectangular in shape. Both embodiments include a plurality of secondary
nozzles that are aligned outwardly of the primary nozzle and the center
axis of the nozzle plate. The secondary nozzles direct the flow of the
cooling liquid outwardly of the primary nozzle from the center thus
creating an overall system pressure drop lower than that of other
assemblies without a plurality of secondary nozzles.