A nanoengineered structure comprising an array of more than about 1000
nanowhiskers on a substrate in a predetermined spatial configuration, for
use for example as a photonic band gap array, wherein each nanowhisker is
sited within a distance from a predetermined site not greater than about
20% of its distance from its nearest neighbor. To produce the array, an
array of masses of a catalytic material are positioned on the surface,
heat is applied and materials in gaseous form are introduced such as to
create a catalytic seed particle from each mass, and to grow, from the
catalytic seed particle, epitaxially, a nanowhisker of a predetermined
material, and wherein each mass upon melting, retains approximately the
same interface with the substrate surface such that forces causing the
mass to migrate across said surface are less than a holding force across
a wetted interface on the substrate surface.