A coolant control unit for a liquid cooled electronics system is provided,
which includes an external coolant inlet and outlet for receiving and
returning external coolant; an internal coolant loop for circulating
coolant to the electronics system; a first and second control valve
coupling the external coolant inlet and outlet to the internal coolant
loop; a heat exchanger connected between the first and second control
valves; and control logic for controlling operation of the coolant
control unit in one of an external coolant mode and an internal coolant
mode. In the external coolant mode, the first and second control valves
allow passage of external coolant through the internal coolant loop to
the electronics system, and in the internal coolant mode, the first and
second control valves isolate coolant within the internal coolant loop
from the external coolant inlet and outlet, and pass the coolant therein
through the heat exchanger.