A solid-fuel rocket assembly including an elongate fuel container having a
long axis, and an inner surface spaced outwardly from, and generally
circumsurrounding, that axis, and a continuous, elastomeric,
heat-insulative, intumescence-behavior jacket adhered to the container's
inner surface and defining a central chamber for receiving an elongate
body of solid fuel. This structure implements a method for minimizing, in
a solid-fuel rocket, heat damage to the wall of a solid-fuel container
during burning of contained solid fuel including the steps of (a)
producing dual-interface, continuous-presence, heat-insulative barriering
in the zone existing between the container and burning fuel, with such
barriering being characterized by (1) interfacially following any
heat-produced deformations in the container wall, and (2) interfacially
confronting the burning fuel with a tendency for intumescence-driven