A crash-hardened memory device in which only a single electronic
component, such as a memory chip, mounted on a small printed circuit
board (PCB), is protected against an impact. The portion of the PCB
containing the electronic component is wrapped in fire-retardant material
and RF shielding tape. The wrapped PCB assembly is placed in a rigid,
hardened enclosure which provides an environmental seal for the portion
of the PCB containing the electronic component. A portion of the PCB
extends outside of the enclosure to allow electrical connections to be
made to the electronic component contained inside. A score line is
created on the PCB to create an acceptable shear point between the
internal and external portions of the PCB in the event of a crash.
Threaded fasteners extend through and beyond both enclosure halves to
provide a means for mounting the crash-hardened memory device on an
external surface.