An API source for mass spectrometry which is configured such that all or a
portion of its vacuum assembly, including ion focusing and transport
electrostatic lenses and ion guides, and two or more vacuum stages can be
removed from the source or system vacuum housing as a complete assembly.
The API source may be an ES, APCI or ICP source, or any other ion source
which operates at substantially atmospheric pressure. The insert assembly
can be electrically isolated from the grounded vacuum housing to enable
the delivery of kilovolt potential ions into a magnetic sector mass
analyzer from the API source. The insert assemblies can be configured to
interface to quadrupole, Time-Of-Flight, ion trap, Fourier Transform, and
magnetic sector mass analyzers. Electrical connections can be configured
internally to make and break automatically when said insert assembly is
inserted or removed from the surrounding vacuum housing. The insert
assembly is configured to be removed from the vacuum housing without the
need to disconnect vacuum pumps, vacuum pumping lines, vacuum gauges, or
external electrical connectors. The invention simplifies the cleaning and
maintenance of API mass analyzer systems, can reduce the cost and
complexity of said systems and can reduce instrument down time. The API
insert assembly removal allows for the insertion of alternative ion
sources, for example, Laser Desorption, Electron Bombardment, Chemical
Ionization, Thermospray, and Particle Beam hardware which can utilize the
same vacuum pumps and electrical contacts as are used by the API source.