A pre-reformer (10) comprises a non-electrically conducting gas tight duct
(12) and an electrically conducting wire (14) arranged in the duct (12).
The electrically conducting wire (14) is electrically isolated from the
duct (12). The duct (12) has an inlet (16) for receiving a hydrocarbon
fuel at a first end (18) and an outlet (20) for supplying a pre-reformed
hydrocarbon fuel at a second end (22). At least the inner surface (24) of
the duct (12) is chemically inert with respect to the hydrocarbon fuel.
An electrical power supply (26) is electrically connected to the
electrically conducting wire (14) and a control means (28) controls the
supply of electrical current through the electrically conducting wire
(14) to maintain the electrically conducting wire (14) at a temperature
to provide selective thermal decomposition of higher hydrocarbons in the
hydrocarbon fuel. The performer reduces coking in associated fuel cells
and other parts of a fuel cell system.