A runtime adaptable protocol processor is disclosed. The processor
architecture provides capabilities to transport and process Internet
Protocol (IP) packets from Layer 2 through transport protocol layer and
may also provide packet inspection through Layer 7. Further, a runtime
adaptable processor is coupled to the protocol processing hardware and
may be dynamically adapted to perform hardware tasks as per the needs of
the network traffic being sent or received and/or the policies programmed
or services or applications being supported. A set of engines may perform
pass-through packet classification, policy processing and/or security
processing enabling packet streaming through the architecture at nearly
the full line rate. A scheduler schedules packets to packet processors
for processing. An internal memory or local session database cache stores
a session information database for a certain number of active sessions.
The session information that is not in the internal memory is stored and
retrieved to/from an additional memory. An application running on an
initiator or target can in certain instantiations register a region of
memory, which is made available to its peer(s) for access directly
without substantial host intervention through RDMA data transfer. A
security system is also disclosed that enables a new way of implementing
security capabilities inside enterprise networks in a distributed manner
using a protocol processing hardware with appropriate security features.