A computerized system and method to manage and monitor leverage relating
to financial transactions whereby counterparty credit risks are enhanced
and capital and credit efficiency is promoted by taking a perfected
security interest in the counterparty. An aggregate net exposure relating
to financial positions held by an identified counterparty is calculated,
wherein positions can be held in multiple market segments. A value is
determined for collateral dedicated to offset the net exposure. Leverage
relating to the ratio of the collateral value and the exposure can be
managed to offset the exposure. Monitoring of leverage can be
accomplished in real time, or on a predetermined schedule. Exposure can
be quantified as a monetary value in a local currency and/or quantified
according to market data. In addition the present invention can be used
to offset risk associated with online transactions, such as a sale of
goods, wherein a currency amount committed to the online transaction is
included in a net exposure aggregation. Collateral can be dedicated to
offset the net exposure.