The invention is a data transmission device that includes: an input Free
Propagation Region (FPR) receiving a multi-wavelength signal and a
single-wavelength signal, and two sets of arrayed waveguides coupled to
the input FPR to carry the multi-wavelength signal and the
single-wavelength signal, respectively. The arrayed waveguides
demultiplex the multi-wavelength signal and create copies of the
single-wavelength signal. The output plane of an output FPR receives the
demultiplexed wavelengths and the copies of the single-wavelength signal
such that one of the demultiplexed wavelengths and one of the copies of
the single-wavelength signal focus onto the same position on the output
plane. The device allows data (e.g., video stream) to be broadcast to all
subscribers in a Wavelength-Division-Multiplexed Passive Optical Network
(WDM-PON) architecture. A multicasting apparatus can be implemented by
using a plurality of these devices and using different wavelengths for
the single-wavelength signal for the different devices.