The present invention relates to mixed-modal anion-exchange materials
composed of a support on which a ligand is immobilized. The ligand
combines at least one basic domain based on cyclic monobasic derivatives
with two or more rings as anion-exchange domain and at least one
non-ionic binding domain. The basic domain is ionized under the
conditions of use and may contain secondary, tertiary, or quaternary
nitrogen forming a weakly (WAX) or strongly (SAX) basic anionic exchange
domains. The non-ionic binding domain allows adjustment of the overall
hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity of the material and represents a second
binding site for the solute to be separated. Binding to this second
binding site is based on reversed phase (RP), hydrophobic interaction
(HIC) or hydrophilic interaction (HILIC). Linker sites, which can be
represented by a chemical bond or by hydrophobic moieties like alkyl(ene)
chains or hydrophilic moieties like amide structures connect the support
to the binding domains and the binding domains to each other.