An economical prescription order tracking system automatically monitors
and tracks prescription orders through a conventional pharmacy. The
system includes a tracking tag having a unique identifier associated with
it secured near the prescription order such that it travels with the
order through various locations within the pharmacy. Tag reading devices
are positioned at key locations throughout the pharmacy to detect the
location of each tag, and its associated attached prescription order. The
detected locations are compiled via a computer system and associated with
the customer, such that at any given time the location of the
prescription order within the pharmacy can be determined, thereby
facilitating the efficient operation of the pharmacy. Preferably, filled
prescription orders are placed in a large bin having multiple cubbies
within it. Each cubby has a displayed number and a tag reading device
received therein such that the location of the prescription order within
the cubby is easily determined simply by placing the prescription order
with tag into an available cubby. The time each prescription order
remains at each location and worker identity information at each location
can be recorded and compiled to facilitate workflow and worker efficiency
monitoring of the pharmacy.