The invention is in the field of using a computer to provide automated
investment allocation advice, selection of investment securities,
customization of the automated advice, execution of investment
securities, maintenance/monitoring of investment portfolios and
rebalancing of investment portfolios. A user is connected to the
Internet. The user connects to the portfolio management program (PMP)
host computer through the Internet. The user completes a questionnaire
that the PMP uses to generate a suitable investment allocation and
specific portfolio strategy recommendation. The user reviews the strategy
and specific information about the strategy. The information is
transmitted across the Internet to the user. The information transmitted
includes historic and/or hypothetical performance, historical and/or
hypothetical holdings, current securities selections of the strategy, and
a description of the strategy's selection methodology. The user, after
making appropriate reviews, makes a decision to purchase the instruments
in that portfolio. Now the user sees a list of instruments provided by
the PMP host computer. The list of stocks is ordered by the degree to
which they satisfy the requirements of the strategy. The user can then
make the decision whether to accept, reject, or replace any individual
security in the generated list or add an individual security. For
example, the user can reject a security in the strategy and ask the PMP
host computer to replace it with the next security that best fits. Once
the user has approved the content of the proposed portfolio, the user
enters an amount that the user will invest in accordance with the
strategy. The PMP will allocate the investment amount across all the
securities in the strategy. The user may authorize the PMP to purchase
these selections through their qualified broker. The user may monitor the
performance of these instruments subsequent to purchase through the PMP.
The user may receive news, alerts, and/or research related materials for
these instruments through the PMP. The user may authorize the PMP to
rebalance their investments periodically to an updated list of
instruments matching the selected strategy. The user may select a
rebalance method that optimizes the tax consequences or the strategy
adherence. The user has the ability to accept, reject, or replace any
individual security in the generated list or add an individual security
as part of the rebalance. The user can set up automatic email
notification of rebalance dates or to have the PMP vote the proxy of the
shares. The owner of the PMP host computer collects a payment for this