The invention provides method for therapeutic protein drug development
that incorporates therapeutic and/or formulation and/or manufacturing
considerations in the early screening process. The approach involves
screening a plurality of different variants of a domain that have been
determined to have the desired therapeutic property to identify one or
more variants that have desired therapeutic and/or formulation
characteristics, and constructing the full multidomain proteins using the
identified domain variants. The present invention also provides a method
for determining the shelf life of multidomain proteins in formulations.
The method comprises determining a thermal denaturation and/or
renaturation curve of a domain of the protein whose unfolding leads to
aggregation of the protein in a solution. The method evaluates the shelf
life of the multidomain protein based on the denaturation/renaturation
curve. The invention also provides methods for engineering multidomain
proteins to improve their therapeutic and/or formulation characteristics.