A system and method for accessing actual human personal preference and opinion data, whose unique demographic parameters are defined by an individual Internet user. The system includes a computer linked to a specialized database that allows individual Internet users to supply and access human personal preference data according to trait and preference variable data input to the system. The data input to the system includes the personal traits and personal preferences of individuals, including feelings, opinions, issues and purchasing or commercial preferences. A data correlating program provides data sorting parameters that are defined by selected degrees of human trait and preference variables. Users, or those accessing the database for customized data results from the overall database, may, in turn, supply information to the database, or build a data profile, should they indicate that the data they seek pertains to individuals similar to themselves. With the present system and method, focus group data, or consumer preference sampling may be accomplished with immediacy and unrivaled relevance, as only users and members of selected relevance to the data solicitation might be contacted. Accordingly, discreet trait and preference specific groups of individuals that would be virtually impossible to locate and sample with typical focus group approaches are capable of being located and sampled with the present system and method.

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~ 00607