A portable fender for protecting a watercraft hull from damage. The fender(s) length corresponds to the length of the watercraft likely to make contact with a dock, pier and/or pilings. An inflatable, waterproof bladder resides in a protective cover. The bladder's valve permits rapid inflation and deflation. The cover has diametrically opposed straps running its length. These straps are anchored to the cover in such a manner that loops are created at regular intervals. Mooring straps are passed through the loops and around the fender. The fender is secured between the watercraft and the dock/pier/pilings by attaching mooring straps to any convenient point on the watercraft, dock, pier, pilings or other suitable mooring point. Lengthening or shortening each individual mooring strap allows the fender to be placed in a position that will provide optimum protection. The fender is easily deflated for stowage. The watercraft does not have to be modified in any manner to use the fender.

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< Hull and steering mechanism for a marine vessel

< Hull-mounted line retrieval and release system

> Flexible fluid containment vessel

> Common payload rail for unmanned vehicles

~ 00610