This invention is a reversible practice pad for drum practice. The
reversible practice pad includes a planar base having at least one
sloping base-riser projecting upwardly therefrom. Each base-riser
includes a first part of a two-part fastening material affixed to a top
surface of each base-riser. A planar platform includes at least one
sloping platform-riser projecting downwardly therefrom. Each
platform-riser includes a second part of the two-part fastening material
affixed to a bottom surface of each platform-riser. The platform includes
a cushioning pad fixed to a top surface thereof. The bottom surface of
each platform-riser is brought into contact and fastened with the top
surface of an associated base-riser. The base and platform can be
selectively fixed together in two different orientations by rotating the
platform. In one orientation, the platform and the base are substantially
parallel. In an alternate orientation, the platform is sloped with
respect to the base.