Method and arrangement for providing a compressed air system in a vehicle
that includes a connection (6, 10) for delivering compressed air from a
compressor (2) to the rest of the compressed air system (1). An oxidation
catalytic converter (9) is included that is designed to clean the
compressed air and which is located along the connection (6, 10). The
connection (6, 10) includes a line (10) that forms a connection between
the oxidation catalytic converter (9) and the rest of the compressed air
system. The invention also includes a valve (11) that is arranged
upstream of the rest of the compressed air system (1) and that can be
adjusted so that in a first position it will allow and in a second
position will prevent the delivery of air to the rest of the compressed
air system (1), depending on the operating condition of the compressor
(2). The invention provides an improved system in which the risk of
contaminated air being delivered to the compressed air system is