A tactile scratch media apparatus and method are disclosed. In one
embodiment, an apparatus includes a scratch media having a tactile data
pattern to provide information to a user and a scratch region on the
scratch media having a plurality of layers that conceal the tactile data
pattern. The tactile data pattern may include a raised tactile data
and/or an indented tactile data. The raised tactile data and the indented
tactile data may be a braille character, an alphanumerical character
and/or a tangible data. The surface edge of the raised tactile data
and/or the indented tactile data of the tactile data pattern may be
curved. The tactile data pattern may be arranged according to an
overlapping pattern arrangement and/or a non-overlapping pattern
arrangement. The arrangement of the overlapping pattern arrangement and
the non-overlapping pattern arrangement may be based on a combination of
a print data and the raised tactile data and/or the indented tactile