This invention relates to methods and apparatus for medical imaging of
parts of a patient in which imaging data acquisition is gated by a
combination of electrocardiogram (ECG) and peripheral pulse (PPU) signals
from the patient. The methods of the invention include obtaining ECG
signals from a patient in a medical imaging apparatus, obtaining PPU
signals from the patient, providing one or more synchronization signals in
dependence on both the ECG signals and the PPU signals, wherein the
synchronization signals indicate occurrences of pre-determined phases of
the cyclic movements of the heart only if the PPU signals also indicate
that the determined heart phase is physiologically possible, and
controlling the medical imaging apparatus in dependence on the
synchronization signals to collect imaging data synchronized with cyclic
movements of the heart from the patient in the examination zone and to
reconstruct a medical image of a part of the patient from the collected
imaging data. The medical imaging apparatus of the invention includes such
units in addition to the imaging units as are necessary from the practice
of the methods of the invention. This invention is preferably applied to
magnetic resonance imaging and to computed tomographic x-ray imaging.