A networking conferencing and collaboration tool utilizing an enhanced
T.128 application sharing protocol. This enhanced protocol is based on a
per-host model command, control, and communication structure. This
per-host model reduces network traffic, allows greater scalability through
dynamic system resource allocation, allows a single host to establish and
maintain a share session with no other members present, and supports true
color graphics. The per-host model allows private communication between
the host and a remote with periodic broadcasts of updates by the host to
the entire share group. This per-host model also allows the host to allow,
revoke, pause, and invite control of the shared applications. Subsequent
passing of control is provided, also with the hosts acceptance. The model
contains no fixed limit on the number of participants, and dynamically
allocates resources when needed to share or control a shared application.
These resources are then freed when no longer needed. Calculation of
minimum capabilities is conducted by the host as the membership of the
share changes. The host then transmits these requirements to the share