New and improved substantially lead-free solder compositions are provided
exhibiting excellent wettability and mechanical properties. In an
embodiment, an improved solder material is a substantially silver-free
material including from about 0.5 to about 10% by weight of Zn, from about
0.5 to about 8% by weight of Bi, from about 0.005 to about 0.5% by weight
of Ge, from about 0.3 to about 3% by weight of Cu and the balance to make
100% by weight of Sn. In another embodiment, an improved solder material
includes from about 0.5 to 8% by weight of Bi, from about 0.5 to about 3%
by weight of Ag, from about 0.01 to about 0.1% by weight of Ge, from about
0.3 to about 1% by weight of Cu, and the balance to make 100% by weight of
Sn. In a further embodiment, an improved solder material includes from
about 3 to about 15% by weight of Zn, from about 3 to about 10% by weight
of In, from about 0.01 to about 0.3% by weight of Ge, from about 0.3 to
about 3% by weight of Ag and the balance to make 100% by weight of Sn.
Обеспечены новые и улучшенные существенн бессвинцовые составы припоя exhibiting превосходная смачиваемость и механически свойства. В воплощении, улучшенным материалом припоя будет существенн серебр-svobodno материал вклюая от около 0.5 до около 10% by weight of zn, от около 0.5 до около 8% by weight of bi, от около 0.005 до около 0.5% by weight of ge, от около 0.3 до около 3% by weight of cu и баланс для того чтобы сделать 100% by weight of sn. В другом воплощении, улучшенный материал припоя вклюает от около 0.5 к 8% by weight of bi, от около 0.5 до около 3% by weight of ag, от около 0.01 до около 0.1% by weight of ge, от около 0.3 до около 1% by weight of cu, и баланса для того чтобы сделать 100% by weight of sn. В более последующем воплощении, улучшенный материал припоя вклюает от около 3 до около 15% by weight of zn, от около 3 до около 10% by weight of внутри, от около 0.01 до около 0.3% by weight of ge, от около 0.3 до около 3% by weight of ag и баланс для того чтобы сделать 100% by weight of sn.