Method for modulating an optically pumped, tunable vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL)


A method for modulating the output of an optically pumped, tunable VCSEL. Two approaches are disclosed. In a first approach, the output of the VCSEL is modulated by modulating the pump laser. In a second approach, the output of the VCSEL is modulated by modulating a voltage applied across the active region.

Un método para modular la salida de un VCSEL ópticamente bombeado, armonioso. Se divulgan dos acercamientos. En un primer acercamiento, la salida del VCSEL es modulada modulando el laser de la bomba. En un segundo acercamiento, la salida del VCSEL es modulada modulando un voltaje aplicado a través de la región activa.


< Solid-state laser apparatus excited by laser light from semiconductor laser unit having increased resonator length

< Focusing device

> Semiconductor laser device

> Laser beam optics in a robot link

~ 00133