A behavior modification device and system to allow parents, caregivers and
educators to change unwanted and/or undesirable behavior in children. The
device consists of a cardboard, plastic or wooden base panel with one or
more removable cardboard, plastic or wooden cards. The cards are
double-sided. The cards serve as extrinsic secondary reinforcers or
punishers. One side displays a positive reinforcer, such as a `happy
face` or `smiley`. The other side displays a punisher, such as a `sad
face` or `frown`. The cards will be secured to the base panel with
suitable attachment means. The base panel will also be equipped with
velcro or magnetic attachments to mount in an easy-to-see area. The
position of the cards will provide a visual cue of how well a child is
performing a desired behavior. At the end of a predetermined period of
time, this simple device can be used to determine if a child is eligible
to receive a reward.