This invention provides a method or an auxiliary method to implement optimum
variation lateral flux on a semiconductor surface. The method is to cover one or
more thin films of high permittivity dielectric material on the semiconductor surface.
The one or more films are capable of transmitting flux into or extracting flux
from the semiconductor surface, or even to extract some flux from a part of the
semiconductor surface and then transmit the flux to another part of the semiconductor
surface. By using optimum variation lateral flux, not only can high-voltage lateral
devices be made, but also an edge-termination technique for high-voltage vertical
devices is provided. While the thin films can be used to prevent the occurrence
of strong electric fields produced at the edges of some doped regions, these regions
are used to compensate other doped regions with opposite doping and different location.
Thin films can also be used to realize an optimum variation lateral flux of a lateral
semiconductor device, which is located on a substrate and the flux flowing between
the semiconductor and the substrate is negligibly small.