A protocol sleuthing system according to the present invention for load
testing a network server includes a computer configured to interconnect
with the network server, a protocol engine stored in and implemented by
the computer and operative to generate a plurality of synthetic users, to
generate a synthetic transaction in accordance with a specified protocol,
and to cause each of the plurality of synthetic users to sequentially
implement a plurality of the synthetic transactions with the network
sever for load testing thereof, a configuration file connected to the
protocol engine that includes variables required to generate the
synthetic transaction, information that defines the behavior of the
plurality of synthetic users implementing the synthetic transaction, and
information that defines the number of synthetic users to be created by
the protocol engine, and a module that is operative to monitor each of
the plurality of synthetic transactions implemented by each of the
plurality of synthetic users with the network server, to detect any error
event occurring during any of the plurality of synthetic transactions
implemented by any of the plurality of synthetic users, and to report any
error event detected during such network testing.